I bought a bag of sauerkraut fish bottom material from Haidilao before. Really delicious 😍😍😍 The material is super super! ! ! The bases include sauerkraut buns, chili buns, marinade buns, and seasoning packets There are so many bags of sauerkraut, there is a strong fragrance when you open the bag🤤🤤 The chili bag is also the kind of pickled sour chili~ Not too spicy, but enriched the flavor The seasoning package is a concentrated soup, especially thick, and the ratio of sour, salty and spicy is just right practice: 1. Add the fish slices to the marinade bag to marinate 2. Add oil to the pot, add the sauerkraut and chili packets to fry until fragrant 3. Add broth or water, bring to boil and add seasoning packet 4. You can add ingredients according to your preference, tofu noodles, etc. In order to eat more vegetables, I also added some broccoli 🥦 5. When you feel that the side dishes are almost cooked, add the fish fillets, cover and simmer for 5 minutes. If the fish fillets are too thick, put them in earlier, or simmer for a while longer. It is highly recommended to add tofu and wide noodles, it is super delicious when it is full of soup! Adding more cooking wine feels like eating sauerkraut fish hot pot 🤤🤤🤤 The soup is also really delicious for bibimbap! #温暖小厨房 # # 即食美味 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd51446403c0a438b9b9
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之前买了袋海底捞的酸菜鱼底料 真的好好吃啊😍😍😍 料超级超级足!!! 底料包括酸菜包,辣椒包,腌料包,和调料包 酸菜超级多的一袋,开袋就有浓浓的香味🤤🤤 辣椒包里也是腌制的酸辣椒那种~ 没有很辣,但让味道更丰富了 调料包是浓缩的汤汁,特别浓稠,酸咸辣的配比恰到好处 做法: 1. 鱼切片加入腌料包腌制 2. 锅里加油,把酸菜和辣椒包倒入炒香 3. 加入高汤或者水,煮沸后加入调料包 4. 可以按照喜好加配料,豆腐宽粉之类的,为了多吃蔬菜我还加了点西兰花🥦 5. 感觉配菜都快熟的时候加入鱼片,盖盖儿焖5分钟就行~如果鱼片太厚就早点放,或者多焖一会儿 非常推荐加入豆腐和宽粉,吸满了汤汁超级好吃! 多加点料酒感觉像在吃酸菜鱼火锅一样🤤🤤🤤 汤汁用来拌饭也真的是好吃到爆! # 温暖小厨房 # # 即食美味 # # 疫情宅家 #