# 疫情宅家 # I originally wanted to buy some small honey twists. I came to the United States for more than ten years, and I only ate it once. Recently, I am very greedy. As a result, I accidentally bought this sweet, spicy and crispy little twist snack Especially like the taste of childhood, sweet and spicy, even if my nose is running, I can't stop, I can't stop A bag of memories to kill love love love ❤️
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# 疫情宅家 # 本来想着买些蜂蜜小麻花 来美国十多年 只吃到一次 最近更是馋得不得了 结果误打误撞买到这款甜辣脆小麻花snack 特别像小时候的味道 甜甜辣辣 就算流着鼻水 还停不下来 欲罢不能 一袋回忆杀 爱了爱了❤️