Post a list (first impression of the product) 💛Korea DR.JART+Ti Jia Ting Blue Pill Deep Moisturizing Intense Moisturizing Mask Just look at its super moisturizing function. The effect of replenishing water is quite obvious. I only use one of my East African Rift Valley face, and the water can replenish 50 to 60% (on a zero basis). After applying it, although I did some massage movements to allow the face to absorb, the remaining essence was absorbed, but my face would still be sticky, but I don’t think this is a big problem. Wipe it with a towel that has been wrung out with wet water. Enough. 💛Japan BEACLAIR Snow Meiqing If you search on a red book, many people recommend this wet compress, and it has a mint flavor. Some people say refreshing and not exciting, just me. indivual. people. It's a little exciting, but it's not in the way, and it's really cool. 💛Japan DAISO ER medicinal placenta whitening lotion It flows nicely, not that heavy lotion. Since it's the first time I've used it, I haven't seen any effect yet. 💛Korea PAPA RECIPE Chunyu Tea Tree Oil Control Lotion When I checked a red book, it was basically EGGPLANT, so I searched directly on Google, and p5 and p6 are screenshots. Its fluidity is not as thin as that of Daiso Whitening Lotion, but it is also not thick, so it is quickly absorbed on the face (of course, under the premise of using the appropriate amount). 📌One thing that surprised me is: Xuemeiqing and Daiso whitening lotion are much smaller than I thought, so you can't use too much, and you can't use too little, so that the expected effect is not achieved, the amount used needs to be carefully Better to think about it and be cautious
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yami_featured_image 晒个单吧(产品初感受) 💛韩国DR.JART+蒂佳婷蓝药丸深层补水强效保湿面膜 看就看中它的超强补水保湿功能。补水的功效蛮明显的,我这张东非大裂谷脸只用了一张,水就能补个五六成回来(以零位基础的话)。敷完之后虽然做了一些按摩的动作让脸部去吸收,剩余的精华是吸收了,但是脸还是会粘粘的,不过我是觉得这个问题不大,拿湿水拧干的毛巾擦一擦就好了。 💛日本BEACLAIR雪美清 在某红书上面搜的话,许多人都建议这个湿敷,还有就是它有薄荷味。有人说清爽不刺激,就我。个。人。而言,是有那么一点小刺激的,但是不碍事,还有确实蛮凉飕飕的。 💛日本DAISO大创 ER药用胎盘素美白乳液 它的流动性很好,不是那种很厚重的乳液。因为是第一次使用,所以还没有看出什么效果。 💛韩国PAPA RECIPE春雨 茶树控油乳液 在某红书查的时候,基本上都是EGGPLANT的,所以我直接上Google搜了,p5和p6是截图。它的流动性没有大创美白乳液那样稀,但是也是属于不浓稠的,所以上脸很快就吸收掉了(当然在份量适当使用的前提下)。 📌有一点是出乎我意料的是:雪美清和大创美白乳液比我想象中的要小很多,所以不能用太多,也不能用太少而导致没有达到预期效果,使用的份量需要仔细琢磨和谨慎一下比较好