# 宅家变美大法 # Following the stewing of Tremella peach gum in the previous article. Stew a good ingredient. The machine is really important. The stew pot in the sky is really easy to use. Fool-like operation. The babies at home also love the bone broth stewed from it. It is healthy, nutritious and delicious.
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# 宅家变美大法 # 继上篇说的炖银耳桃胶. 炖一款好的食材. 机器真的也很重要. 天际的炖锅真的好好用. 傻瓜式操作. 新手也能立马上手. 最近用它的次数很多. 家里的宝贝们也超爱它炖出来的骨头汤. 健康营养又美味.