Zhou Xiaojian's Sweet and Spicy Duck Neck, microwave for one minute, add chili oil before and after the heat is two kinds of tastes, but they are both good, the taste is strong enough, and the taste is no less than Zhou Hei duck, but the portion is smaller. Korean-style seaweed soup with rice, you can eat it together or separately. Rice is very suitable for eating with soup or spicy food. Lemon tea, iced and cooler, a must-have drink at home. can be purchased.
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周小贱甜辣鸭脖,微波炉一分钟,热之前和热之后加辣油是两种口感但都不错,味道够劲儿,美味不亚于周黑鸭,就是份量较少。 韩式海带汤泡饭,混着吃分开吃都可以,米饭很适合跟汤类或者辣的食品拌着吃。 柠檬茶,冰镇更凉爽,家中必备饮品。 都可以购买。