# 开箱晒货 #I can't be greedy. Recently, because konjac has been out of stock, I had to buy some konjac myself to enjoy it. Hopefully Chik's Creed's spicy strips can also serve as a good substitute. For those of you who often go to buy fresh vegetables during the epidemic, this Sichuan Maocai is very beautiful, and a lot of vegetables are seasoned very well. You can prepare some meat yourself to make a small hot pot.
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# 开箱晒货 #馋的不行,最近因为魔芋爽一直断货,只好自己买点魔芋来过瘾啦。希望吃客信条的辣条也可以作为很好的替代品。疫情期间不好经常去买新鲜蔬菜的小伙伴们,这款四川冒菜美极了,好多蔬菜调味也很好,自己准备些肉可以做个小型火锅啦。