I always hear from mothers that the Japanese king's diapers and pull-up pants are very useful, but the North American party really doesn't know where to buy them. I am discouraged from looking for the shipping fee. I only recently learned that Yamibuy can buy them. . My god, I am really impressed by my IQ. Yami.com has been shopping for so many years, and I only think of Yamibuy. When the king's pull-up pants were received, they were immediately taken apart and used for the baby. They felt very thick when they were taken out. My baby is 5 months old now. Every time I change diapers, I am very dishonest. Lala pants are really a weapon to save me. They are so easy to put on and take off👍. And because the baby slept through the night, I changed from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am the next day. The absorption was very good, there was no leakage of urine and reverse osmosis, and there was no legendary start. Tuo, it's really useful. The baby didn't have a red butt either, I'm so happy~ Another point is really strange for a country person like me~ The blue strip on the diaper is an abandoned sticker~ Forgive my ignorance, it's after asking my friends Just known! Haha, this is so convenient, after changing the stool, you can roll it up and stick it and throw it away without getting dirty. In general, I think they are very useful pull-up pants. I immediately placed an order and stocked up some more. Hehe, I hope Yamibuy can often have discounts in the future~
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yami_featured_image 总是听妈妈们说起日本大王的纸尿裤和拉拉裤很好用,可是北美党实在不知道这个该在哪里买,找代购运费就让我望而却步了,最近才知道亚米网就可以买到。我的天呐,我真是被自己的智商折服,亚米网购物这么多年了,只有吃的时候会想起亚米网,没想到母婴产品也这么好逛。大王的拉拉裤收到以后就立马拆开来给娃用了一张,拿出来的手感非常厚实。我家宝宝现在5个月大,每次换纸尿裤的时候很不老实,拉拉裤真是拯救我的利器,太好穿脱啦👍。而且因为宝宝睡整觉,晚上我都是从下午7点换一张就到第二天早上7点啦,吸收的特别好,没有出现过漏尿和反渗的状况,也没有传说中的起坨,真的很好用啊。宝宝也没有出现红屁股,我实在太开心啦~还有一点对于我这个乡下人来说真的很稀奇啊~纸尿裤上的那个蓝色条条是废弃贴~原谅我的无知是问了朋友以后才知道!哈哈,这个太方便了,换完大便可以卷起来贴住再扔就不会弄脏咯。总的来说是我觉得很好用的拉拉裤,立马下单再囤了一些,嘿嘿,希望以后亚米网可以常常打折啊~