Maybe I'm used to eating puffs and melted beans here. The hardness of the milk steamed buns is similar to that of melted beans, but harder than puffs. The taste is similar to the domestic Wangzai steamed buns. My baby doesn't eat very well because of finger food, and doesn't like hard food. But for other babies, more than 9 months, many prefer harder foods. There are 4 sachets inside. When the baby has upper teeth and better chewing ability, he will definitely fall in love with this milk-flavored snack # 一秒变好吃 #
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可能在这边吃习惯了puffs和溶豆,牛奶小馒头硬度和溶豆差不多,比puffs硬。跟国内的旺仔小馒头口感类似。我娃因为手指食物吃的不是特别好,对于硬度大的食物不喜欢。但是对于其他宝宝来说,9个多月,很多都更偏好硬一些的食物。里头有4小袋。 等娃有了上牙,咀嚼能力好一些,肯定会爱上这款奶香味十足的零食哒# 一秒变好吃 #