# 2020新年flag # Check out the delicious noodles in October. Empty bottle sees true love. This is absolutely true. The Yuan Xian Spicy Red Oil at home is empty again. Except for the spicyness of [Liu Po]. The spiciness of this Yuan Xian is also very suitable for my taste. Very fresh. And very fragrant. Delivered full of sesame seeds. Spicy and spicy kind of staying power. Unforgettable. And super versatile. It can be used to mix noodles, cold and various side dishes, stir-fry, and spicy. Make the famous saliva chicken. Bobo chicken also depends on it! Used it for noodles today. Very satisfied. Yami has a five star rating for this one. Don't miss it for those who love spicy food. Pack what you like 💕
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# 2020新年flag # 10月打卡之做好吃的面. 空瓶见真爱.这话准没错. 家里的袁鲜·麻辣红油又空罐见底一盘了. 除了【六婆】的辣以外. 这款袁鲜的辣也超合我口味. 很鲜.而且很香.配送满满的芝麻. 麻辣香辣的那种后劲. 让人回味无穷. 而且超万能. 可以用来拌面.凉拌各种小菜.炒菜.麻辣烫. 做大名鼎鼎的口水鸡.钵钵鸡也是靠它呢! 今天就用来拌面吃. 好满足. 亚米上这款可是五星好评. 爱辣患者别错过了哦. 包你喜欢💕