# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Yami snacks grown by someone. Yuan Xian·Ganwan Rice Crispy Rice. I have always been very fond of Yuan Xian's products. Their spicy food is very fragrant. Very tempting. This time I opened the package. The charming aroma of rice crockpot wafts out. The taste is really fragrant. Eating a slice of Guoba is the same as eating a spicy hot pot. Very satisfied. A pack of 2 knives. The portion is very sufficient. Well worth the price. There are also genuine dried chili peppers in it. Hmm. The taste is spicy. The more I eat it, the more spicy it becomes. Those who can't eat spicy food should pay attention. And this rice crockpot really can't stop once you eat it. Then. Then... My calorie road is overwhelming. I'm still on fire. sin ah ah ah I... still drink more water. Then keep eating. 🙂
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 被某人种草的亚米小零食. 袁鲜·馋馋米锅巴. 我一直对袁鲜这个牌子的产品很有好感. 它们家的辣做的很香.很诱人. 这次一打开包装. 米锅巴就飘出来的迷人的香味了. 味道真的很香. 吃个锅巴片跟吃麻辣香锅一样. 很满足. 一包2刀.分量很足. 很对得起这个价格. 还有货真价实的辣椒干在里面. 嗯 .口味是辣的.还越吃越辣. 不能吃辣的小伙伴要注意下. 而且这米锅巴真的是一吃就停不下来了. 然后.然后...... 我的卡里路爆棚不说. 我还上火了. 罪孽啊啊啊啊~ 我.....还是多喝点水. 然后继续吃.🙂