# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Highly recommend this appetizer sauerkraut from Jixiangju from Yamibuy.com. It was first planted by my family's big eaters. Sure enough, foodies like to eat are good. This Jixiangju's open-flavored sauerkraut can be eaten in a variety of ways. I think eating soup noodles is the best in autumn and winter! Add some sauerkraut to the soup. The soup is really delicious. It is also great to have with rice in the morning. The sour taste is very enough. I personally don't find it spicy. Every bite is chewy. There is no packaging that bites down to the "wood" taste. Bottles are also good for storage. But it is best to keep it in the refrigerator after opening.
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 强烈推荐这款购买自亚米网的吉香居的开胃酸菜. 最早是被我家大吃货种草的. 果然吃货爱吃的东西都不错. 这款吉香居的开味酸菜可以有多种吃法. 我觉得秋冬季节吃汤面最爽了吧! 往汤里加些酸菜. 汤汁真的好喝到不行. 早上配粥饭也是很可的. 酸味非常够.我个人没觉得辣. 每一口都是菜的嚼劲. 没有某包装那种咬下去是“木材”口感. 瓶灌装的也很好储存. 但是开封后最好放在冰箱里哦.