# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # It's a little cold today. It's so cold that I want to eat noodle soup again. Check out the cabinets. Today pick Japan's Sanukiya. Thin noodles. This one is $6 on Yamibuy. There are 8 bundles in a pack. The price-performance ratio is very good. It is good for the stomach and intestines. It is easy to digest. This one cooks well too. After the water boils, throw it in for about 3 minutes and then take it out and drain it. Then add it to your usual soup. Today's soup is pork ribs. Just some barbecued pork roasted by myself. Satisfied. I heard it will start snowing here tomorrow and next week. Makes me want to eat fried chicken➕Coke tomorrow.
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 今天有点冷啊.冷到我又想吃汤面了. 看看了橱柜. 今天pick日本的赞岐屋.细挂面. 这款在亚米上价格$6.一包里有8捆. 性比价很不错哟. 细挂面对肠胃不错.易消化. 这款也很好煮. 水沸后.丢进去3分钟左右就可以捞起来沥干. 然后加入自己日常熬的汤就可以了. 今天熬的是排骨汤. 就一些自己烤的叉烧.满足了. 听说明天下周这边就开始初雪了 弄得我明天想吃炸鸡➕可乐了.