# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # I don't know if anyone has paid attention to a big stomach king food broadcaster called Big stomach mini. Once I watched her blindly test several cold noodles, which made me hungry. It seems that there is a trend of this kind of cold noodles in bags recently in China. I am grateful that Yami also quickly put on the shelves of Jin Gaoli cold noodles with good reviews. I personally like to buy cold noodles at hmart, so I have slightly higher requirements for this five-star praised noodles. To my surprise, I was not disappointed! There is a price of 3 knives, which includes a bag of vacuum cold noodles, a cold noodle soup bag, a pepper bag, a spicy oil bag, a sesame oil bag, and a sesame oil bag. I think Dawei Mini complains about cold noodle brands that put chili oil when eating cold noodles, because authentic Yanji cold noodles are not allowed. I didn't put it this time, just a little less calories. I made shredded cucumber, sliced tomato, kimchi, lunch meat pretending to be beef, and half a hard-boiled egg. In order for this cold noodle to be very refreshing and delicious, it must be washed continuously after the noodles are cooked to wash away the starch around the cold noodles so that they will not stick together. I rinsed it three times with cold water. When eating, I also added ice cubes (must be added! The difference in quality). I saw that the very fashionable cold noodles in China have Sprite added to the cold noodle soup, cow! Try it next time. In short, I love this cold noodles so much, I will repurchase endlessly.
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 不知道有没有人关注一位大胃王吃播播主叫大胃mini,有一次看她盲测几款冷面,把我给饿的。貌似国内最近也是刮起了这种袋装冷面的风潮,感激亚米也迅速上架了风评很好的金高丽冷面。 我本人很喜欢在hmart买冷面,所以对这款五星好评的面是要求略高的,让我惊喜的是真心没让我失望! 3刀有找的价格,里面有一包真空的冷面、一个冷面汤包、一个辣椒包、一个辣油包、一个芝麻包、一个香油包。 我看大胃mini在吃冷面的时候有吐槽放辣油的冷面品牌,因为正宗延吉冷面是不放的。我这次也没放,正好少了点卡路里。自己家了黄瓜丝、番茄片、泡菜、冒充牛肉的午餐肉、以及半个煮鸡蛋。 这款冷面要达到非常爽溜好吃的程度,一定要在煮完面后不断的洗面,把冷面周围的淀粉给洗去,才不会粘在一起。我用冷水冲了三遍。吃的时候自己还另外加了冰块(一定要加!质的区别)。我看到国内很时髦的冷面点有在冷面汤里加雪碧的,牛!下次试试。 总之这款冷面我太爱了,无限回购。