# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # ✨Yes, I have supper again! In the evening, I was so happy to have a late-night snack after my baby went to bed🥳I ate with my family [Yumei·Langya Potato]➕【Haohuanlu·Crayfish Flavoured Snail Noodles】very satisfying~ ✨Haohuan snail · crayfish flavor snail powder 🦞 Haohuanluo has always been a favorite brand of snail noodles, and the taste has nothing to say! It was the first time I tried the crayfish flavor. My family and I liked it very much, which was in line with our taste. Compared with ordinary snail noodles, there is one more package of crayfish flavor soup package. The amount of side dishes and rice noodles are normal. Adding some lettuce and dried tofu is enough for two people to eat. The soup is rich and smooth, with no snail meat. Net weight 320g, Yami sells for $4.99💰 ✨Yumei · Wolf Tooth Potatoes🥔 Self-heating barbecue, simple and convenient. The potatoes are spicy and soft, and additional sugar and vinegar packets can be added according to personal taste. My family and I like to put both sugar and vinegar in, which can neutralize some of the saltiness, sweet and sour, spicy and delicious. 8-15 minutes to enjoy, net weight 328g, Yami sells for $4.99💰 ✨Spicy snail noodles and wolf tooth potatoes with a bottle of fruit wine are really cool der ~ delicious supper without wasting, eat them all!
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # ✨是的我又吃宵夜了!晚上娃睡觉后吃宵夜实在是太开心了🥳跟家属一起吃的【与美·狼牙土豆】➕【好欢螺·小龙虾味螺蛳粉】超满足~ ✨好欢螺·小龙虾味螺蛳粉🦞 好欢螺一直是很喜欢的螺蛳粉品牌,味道没得说!首次尝试小龙虾口味,我和家属都很喜欢,符合我们的口味。比普通螺蛳粉多了一包小龙虾口味汤料包,配菜和米粉都正常量不多不少,加了点莴笋和豆腐干分成两份俩人吃也是够的。汤汁浓郁,口感顺滑,无螺肉。净含量320g,亚米售价$4.99💰 ✨与美·狼牙土豆🥔 自热烧烤,简单方便。土豆香辣软糯,还有额外的糖包和醋包可根据个人口味添加,我和家属都喜欢把糖和醋都放进去的,可以中和一部分咸度,酸甜香辣,美味可口。8-15分钟即可享用,净含量328g,亚米售价$4.99💰 ✨辣辣的螺蛳粉和狼牙土豆配上一瓶果酒真的超爽der~美味宵夜不浪费,全部吃光光!