# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Persimmon season is here. Yami Fresh has already launched persimmons. The persimmons I received were really sweet and delicious. Persimmons are rich in nutritional value. Contains a variety of vitamins. Pectin. Not only is it delicious. It can also help gastrointestinal motility. Run intestines. Solve constipation troubles. There are many varieties of persimmons. There are hard persimmons. Sweet persimmons. As long as it is cooked. Sweet. I like to eat it haha. In the past, my hometown often sold persimmon cakes. Flat. Sweet. But I'm okay with that. Too sweet for me. My old mother loves it so much. If you are unlucky, you can buy unripe persimmons. You can just put the persimmons in the apple pile. It will be ripe in a few days. I don't know why Anyway, it's okay to listen to the old man~^_^
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 柿子的季节来啦. 亚米生鲜上已经开始推出柿子了. 收到的柿子真的超级香甜可口. 柿子的营养价值很丰富. 含有多种维生素.果胶. 不仅味道可口. 还可以帮助肠胃蠕动. 润肠.解决便秘困恼哦. 柿子的品种也蛮多的. 有硬柿子.甜柿子. 只要熟的.甜的.我都喜欢吃哈哈. 以前老家还有经常卖柿子饼. 扁扁的.甜甜的. 不过我对那个还好.对于我来说太甜了. 我的老母亲超级爱. 要是不好运买到未熟的柿子. 大家可以把柿子刚在苹果堆里. 没几天就会熟了哦. 我也不知道什么原理 总之听老人言不亏~^_^