# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 #As a loyal user of Yami, I am very happy every time I see a new product I had time to take pictures) and the recently popular watermelon toast in China (with a rich filling and no guilt), and achieved the gold medal dry freedom
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 #作为亚米的忠实用户 每次看到有新品就很开心 先简单晒一单 这次买了代餐奶昔(258卡)友臣肉松饼(在国内就超级爱 很快吃完没来得及拍照)和国内最近很火的西瓜吐司(内含丰富的夹心 小小一个也没有罪恶感)以及实现了金牌干溜自由