# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # This article is about anti-epidemic products on Yamibuy. The Korean.G.Sol Sanitizing Spray I've been carrying around this year. This one is non-alcoholic. The principle is through nano-sterilization. So it is also very skin friendly. To use, just spray directly on what you want to spray. I usually spray it before I go out. The sterilization and disinfection effect can be as long as 7 days. It is also possible to spray a few times on the mask. There is no taste. It's quite a small bottle though. Luckily, it only takes 2-3 sprays at a time. And it's on sale now. It's almost half off. Interested children can try it out.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这篇是聊Yamibuy上的防疫产品. 我今年一直随身携带的韩国.G.Sol消毒喷雾. 这款是不含酒精的. 原理是通过纳米杀菌. 所以对皮肤也是非常友好的. 用法是直接对着想要喷的东西就好. 我一般出门都会提前喷一下. 杀菌消毒作用可以长达7天之久呢. 喷几下在口罩也是可以的. 没有任何味道. 不过蛮小一瓶的. 好在一次只要喷2-3下就好. 而且现在减价中. 近半折呢. 有兴趣的宝宝可以下手试试啦.