# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I recommend a very popular foot mask sold by Yamibuy.com. In fact, it is also very popular in Japan. That is the Japanese SOSU exfoliating and dead skin foot mask. This is not the same as a normal foot mask. This exfoliating foot mask can exfoliate dead skin. It takes about 3-7 days to complete. The bottoms of your feet start to shed dead skin. After peeling off the skin. The soles of the feet really look so comfortable. Tender and smooth. This is what many people call babyfoot. The best way to use it is to soak your feet for 10 minutes before applying. Soften the skin of the soles of the feet. Then put on a foot mask. Wait an hour. Wash it off with soap. Then just wait a few days. I usually don't see the dead skin peeling off until the 5th day. Let's say goodbye to rough, dry, cracked soles. There are 2 pairs in this box. The price is pretty good. The downside is that the matching sticker is not sticky at all. Each time you have to take the tape yourself.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 推荐一款亚米网卖的非常火的足膜. 其实它在日本也卖的很火的哦. 那就是日本SOSU去角质去死皮足膜. 这个和一般的足膜不一样. 这种去角质足膜是可以去死皮的. 做完大概3-7天. 你的足底就开始有死皮不断脱落. 脱完皮.脚底真的看起来好舒服.嫩滑. 这也就是很多人说的babyfoot了吧. 使用方式是最好敷前先把脚泡10几分钟. 让脚底皮肤变软. 然后套上足膜. 等一个小时. 在用soap洗干净. 然后就是等几天了. 我一般到了第5天才看见死皮不断脱落. 让我们一起告别粗糙干燥破裂的脚底吧. 这款一盒里有2对. 价格算很好了. 缺点是配套的固定贴纸一点也不粘. 每次都要自己拿胶布贴.