# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Recommend the Japan Taiyo hyaluronic acid moisturizing liquid that is small but powerful. This is my skin care product that I have been using for years. It is a common ranking in cosme awards. Aiming for the ranking, you must try it! It can be used with any cosmetic and skin care products. It is easy to use. like in winter. It feels a little too dry to use with BB cream/powder concealer. The face becomes very dry. Not so natural. Putting a drop or two of hyaluronic acid stock solution into the powder can solve this problem. Not much is needed. 1-2 drops are enough. Masks can also be added. same usage. Put 1-2 drops into the mask. Then apply it to the face. The moisturizing effect is up up up.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 推荐个子小却本领大的日本·太阳社玻尿酸保湿原液. 这款是我用了多年的护肤品. 它是常见在cosme大赏里的排名哦. 冲着名次一定宝宝们一定要试试哦! 可以搭配任何的化妆品保养品来使用.好用到爆. 像冬天的时候. 用BB霜/粉饼遮瑕都觉得有点太干了. 上脸就变的很干涩.不那么自然. 往粉饼里面滴一两滴玻尿酸原液就可以解决这问题了. 不需要太多. 1-2滴就够了哦. 还能加入面膜. 一样的用法. 往面膜里滴1-2滴. 再往脸上敷. 补水效果up up up哦.