# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # These Royal Danisa cookies are really super delicious! As soon as the box is opened, it smells of butter, and it smells good when you bite into your lips and teeth. I thought that a 6-knife box of cookies would be average, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious! My favorite is the round cake shape, of course other shapes are also good. There are so many in a box, two pieces a day, you can eat for a long time, it’s really affordable ❤️ I hope Yami can restock quickly, where can I find cheap and delicious cookies like this Emm
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这款Royal Danisa曲奇真的是超级好吃!一开盒子扑鼻而来就是浓浓的黄油味儿,咬一口唇齿留香,太赞了👍 本来以为6刀一盒的曲奇估计也就一般般,没想到这么好吃!我最喜欢的是那个圆饼状的,当然其他形状的也都不错啦 一盒有好多,每天两片儿,可以吃好久,真的好实惠呀❤️希望亚米能快快补货,像这种便宜又美味的曲奇去哪里找呢Emm