# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Recently, everyone has been planting a series of nourishing ginseng chicken soup from Korea, and I am here to join in the fun. I actually love chicken soup, but lazy one =_= I thought that it would take a long time to make a chicken soup, and it might not be delicious... I always gave up the idea 🤣 Seeing that Yami sells this kind of ready-to-eat version , I was still wondering at first, can this soup with water really be directly heated and eaten? With a skeptical attitude, I bought a pack of the cheapest 🙃 (poor me) and immediately opened it and eaten it. When I opened the package, I saw that there was really chicken inside! So happy, I quickly heated it up for 20 minutes and tasted it. The taste is very fragrant, and the ginseng taste is also very strong. It is estimated that the bowl is more than half cured🥰
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 最近大家都种草韩国出的一系列滋补参鸡汤,我也来凑凑热闹。本人其实很爱喝鸡汤,但是懒人一枚=_=一想到煲个鸡汤要花费天长地久的时间做出来还不一定好喝…就一直放弃了这个念头🤣看亚米有卖这种即食版的,一开始还在纳闷,这连汤带水的真的就能直接加热后食用吗?抱着半信半疑的态度买了一包价格最便宜的🙃(贫穷的我)到手之后就马上开来食用了。打开包装之后看到里面真的有鸡肉!好开心,赶紧下锅加热了20分钟尝了一口,味道挺香的,参味儿也很浓,有种大补的感觉哈哈,配合点桂林米粉下着吃,好棒呀,生病的时候来一碗估计病都好了一大半了吧🥰