# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I have already repurchased more than a dozen bags of this sweet chestnut kernel. It is really delicious. I used to eat the hometown flavored one before, but it has not been replenished for a long time... I looked for another brand 😋 The result is this The money did not disappoint me. The chestnuts are sweet and glutinous, especially fragrant. When I get hungry in the afternoon, I will be full of energy ❤️
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这款甘栗仁我都已经回购了十几袋儿啦,真的是特别好吃,之前吃的是家乡味的那款,但很久都不补货…我就另寻其他品牌了😋 结果这款也没让我失望,栗子甜甜糯糯的,特别香,下午肚子饿的时候来一袋儿顿时元气满满啦❤️