# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # This Cordyceps sinensis was found on Yami. I usually like to fiddle with some medicinal foods, and I am a health expert. But I have never eaten the real Cordyceps sinensis. This time I bought it back and I was not disappointed, even a little surprise. The beautifully packaged and complete insect body smells like the smell of the earth, and it is not fishy at all. Stewed in water Drinking 666 feels special. Thank you Yami for providing us with a very guaranteed quality of Cordyceps sinensis. There are many fakes out there, but I am not worried about buying it from Yami. It can be said that I am so happy shopping at Yamibuy
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# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 亚米上发现这款冬虫夏草。我平时就喜欢捣鼓一些要药膳,算是一个养生达人。但是真正的冬虫夏草本尊还是没有吃过,这一次买回来没有让我失望,甚至有些小惊喜,精美的包装完整的虫体 闻起来一种大地的土的气息香味,一点都不腥 隔水炖了喝 感觉特别的666。 感谢亚米给我们提供质量非常有保证的冬虫夏草,外面有很多假货,但是在亚米买我一点都不担心。可以说在Yamibuy买东西我是开心到飞起