# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # I ate this coconut milk black glutinous rice porridge for breakfast this morning. After seeing 111 reviews and 4.6 stars on YAMI Yami , I couldn't help but buy it and try it. Inside the package is a box of black glutinous rice, individually packaged coconut milk, and a tablespoon. I tasted the black glutinous rice alone, which is quite sweet. The desserts are sweet, with the unique rice fragrance and grainy taste of purple rice. The coconut milk in the small box is very thick, not sweet, full of coconut fragrance, very authentic! Overall it's a good dessert, the combination of purple rice and coconut milk is really good! Next time, I want to try Qingbuliang from the same brand. I heard this name recently, and it feels very interesting, hahaha. For the price, the quantity is a little small, but if the quantity is bigger, it would be perfect.
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yami_featured_image # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 今天早上吃了这个椰汁黑糯米粥作为早餐,看见YAMI 亚米 上有111个评论还有4.6颗星,忍不住买来试试。 包装里面有一盒黑糯米,单独包装的椰汁,一把汤匙。单独尝了尝黑糯米,比较偏甜,甜品嘛,就要甜滋滋的,有紫米独特的米香和颗粒的口感。 小盒子里的椰汁很浓厚,不甜,椰香味十足,非常正宗! 总的来说是一款不错的甜品,紫米跟椰汁的搭配真是很棒!下次想尝尝同品牌清补凉,这个名字也是我最近听说的,感觉很有意思,哈哈哈。就是相对这个价格来说,量稍微有点少,要是量大一些就完美了。