January 17, 2021
# 亚米年度美妆大赏 #
I am particularly fond of this pink snail mask from JM solution. First of all, its packaging is very interesting, a pink snail shell haha 🤩 Before applying it, I was wondering if its texture would really be the same as the snail 🐌 original liquid, sticky , It turns out that it is not so sticky, it is a relatively refreshing texture, but the nourishing effect is completely ok, after applying it, the face is smooth and tender, and it is very good to use in autumn and winter 🥰
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 #
JM solution 的这款粉红蜗牛面膜我特别心水,首先就是它的包装很有趣,一个粉红的蜗牛壳哈哈🤩敷之前还在想它的质地会不会真的跟蜗牛🐌原液一样,黏糊糊的,事实证明并没有那么粘,是比较清爽的质地,但滋养效果完全ok,敷完之后脸滑滑嫩嫩的,秋冬季使用都非常不错🥰