I have known Master Kong's name since I was a child! The most eaten is Master Kong's Braised Beef Noodles & Seafood Noodles! Slowly, more and more good things developed. Must have this delicious shortbread biscuits from Amway 💚 💚This is a family economical package! There are 3 boxes in one big bag! The price is also very affordable: $3.29/big bag! There are 15 biscuits neatly arranged in each package 🍪 💚Purchased in November, how come I only took my first bite now! Still by the niece Amway! The biscuits I eat every day are all square, or they are cartoon patterns. What is the shape of this one? Dog 🐶 Thick bones? Fill me with infinite reverie. 💚The first time I took it, I immediately fell in love with it! It's different from the toughness & sweetness of Master Kong's 3+2! This one is full of scallion flavor and slightly salty, unexpectedly crispy, and fragrant... One piece after another, the rhythm of eating non-stop! Very much to my taste. 💚No time for breakfast, bring a pack to fill your stomach! The mouth is bland and tasteless, and a few bites can satisfy your cravings! 💚This is a cookie suitable for all ages I have a feeling that I have seen it late, and I have no idea~ At this time, YAMI is out of stock, set a reminder immediately 🔔 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #
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从小就知道康师傅 的大名!吃的最多的莫属康师傅红烧牛肉面&海鲜面!慢慢的,发展出越来越多好物。必须得安利这款美味酥饼干💚 💚这是一款家庭经济优惠装!一大袋内分装3盒独立包!售价也很实惠:$3.29/大包!每一包里面整整整齐齐的排列着15块饼干🍪 💚11月份就购入,怎么这么后知后觉的,现在才吃上第一口!还是被侄女安利的!日常吃过的饼干都是方方正正,要不就是卡通图案之类的,这款是什么造型?狗狗🐶粗骨头?让我充满无限的遐想。 💚第一口吃下去,立马就喜欢上了!有别于以往康师傅3+2的那种硬实&甜度!这款是满满的葱香味跟略微的咸口,预料外的酥脆感,口齿留香…一片接着一片吃不停的节奏!非常符合我的口味。 💚没时间吃早餐,带上一包可以填填肚子! 嘴里平淡无味,吃上几口可以解解馋! 💚这是一款老少咸宜的饼干 我对它是一种相见恨晚、意犹未尽的感觉~ 此时YAMI 亚米 已断货,立刻设置提醒🔔 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #