# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # This time I went out with my friends and brought Yumei's self-heating products, one is grilled fish and the other is mapo tofu rice. The grilled fish has been eaten before and it was delicious. Non-stop repurchase. This time I still bought the barbecue flavor. In fact, the barbecue taste is also a bit spicy, and the spicy level is enough for me. Yumei's grilled fish is really delicious, fresh and tender, just like the ones made in the store. Topped with cumin and various spices, even the potatoes and lotus root slices are delicious. I also brought a bowl of lettuce myself, which was absolutely amazing with the grilled fish sauce. This self-heating grilled fish does not need to add water to the upper layer, which is very convenient. Even the seasoning package is cooked before putting it.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 这次和朋友们出去玩,专门带了与美的自热产品,一款是烤鱼,一款是麻婆豆腐饭。烤鱼以前就吃过,味道很好。不停的回购。 这次买的依然是烧烤味。其实烧烤味也是有点辣的,对我来说辣度足够了。与美的烤鱼真的好好吃,又鲜又嫩,就跟店里做的差不多。上面撒满了孜然和各种香料,就连土豆和藕片都无比美味。我自己还带了一碗生菜,蘸着烤鱼酱汁简直绝了。 这款自热烤鱼上层不用加水,特方便,连调料包都是熟了以后再放。