# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Love Matcha Love Nougat - Sugar Village Matcha Nougat. The first time I ate the nougat from the sugar village, it was a good friend who brought it back from China, and I was shocked. Since then, I have to buy it online every time I go back to China. It turns out that Yami can also buy Sugar Village Nougat! ! ! Ahhh, so happy to burst. Yamibuy sells the 180g international version with a shelf life of 40 days. There are several flavors in the sugar village, and I have only eaten the original French flavor before. Now Yami delivers toffee flavor, matcha flavor and strawberry flavor. As a matcha lover, of course choose matcha. A box of 12 pieces, individually packaged, as an old brand, the milky aroma and taste are not to be mentioned. Once chewed, the whole aroma fills the mouth, sweet but not greasy, dense but not sticky to the teeth, and the almonds inside are always the same Crispy. It has a strong matcha flavor and is delicious. But for me, it's a bit of a cover up of the milky taste, after all, the original taste is my original intention. The price is 31.49, which is a bit painful 😭.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 爱抹茶爱牛扎-糖村抹茶牛轧糖。 第一次吃糖村的牛轧糖还是好朋友从国内背来的,惊为天糖。从此每次回国都要从网上买了带过来。 结果发现亚米也能买到糖村牛轧糖啦!!!啊啊啊,开心到炸裂。亚米卖的是180g国际版,保存期限是40天。 糖村有好几种口味,以前只吃过法式原味。现在亚米发货的有太妃味,抹茶味,草莓味。作为抹茶控,当然选抹茶。 一盒十二块,独立包装,作为老牌子,奶香和口感就不用说了,一嚼,整个香气就充满口腔,甜而不腻,绵密却不粘牙,还有里面的杏仁,永远那么香脆。 它的抹茶味很足,也很好吃。但是对我来说,有点掩盖奶味了,毕竟原味才是我的初心。 价格的话是31.49,有点肉痛😭。