# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤# The well-known Sophie's elastic body has never been used in China. I bought a bag to try after visiting Yami after I came here. The experience is quite good. It's not much different from Leerya. Cloud-like soft cotton, it feels very comfortable to walk and sit, not like the US version of sanitary napkins, no matter how you feel, it is not easy to leak, and you can really feel a little elasticity when you turn over in bed ,Ha ha
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 响当当的苏菲弹力贴身在国内其实没用过,是来这边之后逛亚米看到才买了一袋试试的😄体验感蛮好的,跟乐而雅其实差不了多少,都是宛如云朵般柔软的棉质,走路坐着都感觉挺舒服的,不会像美版卫生巾,怎样都觉得膈应的慌😑也不容易侧漏,睡觉翻身的时候还真能感觉到它的一点弹力,哈哈