# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Sweet Potato Brown Sugar Water When it comes to cold weather, the system is naturally cold and cold all year round, and it is even more uncomfortable in winter. It snowed for two days in a row, and it was freezing and snowing. At night, it was even more cold outside the window. I quickly boiled a bowl of sweet potato brown sugar water to warm my heart. Warm up again. Peel and cut the sweet potato into small pieces, add a few red dates, longan and wolfberry, cook together until the sweet potato is rotten, add Taiwanese handmade brown sugar and cook for 5 minutes, throw two chrysanthemums and cover it for a few minutes and you can eat it. The spleen and stomach also have anti-aging effects, and can also activate blood, remove stasis, replenish qi and replenish blood. Sweet potatoes are low in calories, not easy to gain weight, promote gastrointestinal motility, rich in carotene, and good antioxidants! Taiwanese handmade brown sugar has brown sugar granules in it, sometimes in large chunks, I just stuff it into my mouth, full of happiness! It's delicious and not sweet, and the brown sugar is very fragrant and fragrant! Brown sugar is warm, and I have eaten a lot of snacks recently, so I put some chrysanthemums to comfort myself.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 番薯红糖水 一到寒冷天气,天生寒凉体制一年四季冰手冰脚,冬天更加难受.连下了两天雪,冰天雪地的,到了夜里窗外更是寒风呼啸,赶紧煮了碗番薯红糖水,暖心又暖身.番薯去皮切小块加几颗红枣桂圆枸杞,一起煮到番薯烂的时候,加台湾手工红糖在熬煮5分钟,丢两朵菊花盖几分钟就可以开吃了.红糖健脾胃还有抗衰老的作用,还能活血化淤益气补血.红薯热量低,不易发胖,促进肠胃蠕动,含丰富的胡萝卜素,抗氧化好物!台湾手工红糖,里面有红糖颗粒,有时大块状,我直接往嘴里塞,满满的幸福感!好吃又不甜而且红糖很香很香!红糖性温,最近吃多了零食所以我放了点菊花自我安慰下.