# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # My favorite drink recently 🥤: Suntory peach juice. Heavy Amway about this drink. Face value/packaging ★★★★★ Taste ★★★★★ Health ★★★★ Cost-effective ★★★★ 🌟 The pink bottle body looks amazing, and the girl's heart bursts. 🌟 There are broken cotton-like fruit particles in the juice, which is sweet and delicious. 🌟 Rich peach flavor, delicate taste and pure taste. Smells nice too. 🌟A bottle of 184 calories, juice content 15%. 🌟It is recommended to drink it after refrigerating. It is a great blessing to have a glass of peach juice with ice🧊 in hot summer. Yami is available.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 近期最爱的饮料🥤:三得利桃汁。重磅安利一下这款饮料。 颜值/包装 ★★★★★ 口味 ★★★★★ 健康 ★★★★ 性价比 ★★★★ 🌟粉红色的瓶身,颜值爆表,少女心炸裂。 🌟果汁里有碎碎的棉絮状的果粒,甜甜的很好喝。 🌟桃味浓郁,口感细腻,味道纯正。闻上去也很香。 🌟一瓶184卡,果汁含量15%。 🌟建议冷藏后饮用,炎炎夏日来杯加冰🧊的桃汁真乃一大幸事。 亚米有售。