# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # In winter, I always want to drink something hot, and the most inseparable thing is the thermos cup. Buydeem Beiding has been using this mug for a few months, and I really like it more and more. The first time I saw this one, I was attracted by its high appearance. The light fir green is gentle and advanced, and the matte texture feels so comfortable! There are also many small details in the design: there are concave designs on both sides of the bottle body, which makes the grip feel good; the bottom of the cup is made of silicone, which is non-slip and silent; it also has a light-colored strap, which can be worn on the body when you go out, freeing your hands. What everyone cares about most about the thermal mug must be thermal insulation. I have compared it with Zojirushi and Thermos before. Beiding can keep warm for 6 hours, which is not inferior to similar Japanese products. After pouring in hot water for a few hours, the temperature is just right, and it will not burn your mouth. I usually use it to make flower tea, red dates and wolfberry or brown sugar water, and there is no tea stain on the inner wall after using it for a while. With it in winter, it is very comfortable to drink some hot water at any time.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 冬天总想喝点热的,最离不开的小物就是保温杯了。Buydeem 北鼎 这个保温杯用了几个月了,真的越来越喜欢。 第一眼看到这款,就被它超高的颜值所吸引。浅杉绿色既温柔又高级,磨砂质感摸起来好舒服! 设计上也有很多小细节:瓶身两侧有凹陷设计,握感很好;杯子底部是硅胶,防滑又静音;还带有一个浅色背带,外出可以挎在身上,解放双手。 保温杯大家最关心的一定是保温性,之前我特意拿它和象印、膳魔师做过对比,北鼎这款可以保温6小时,不输同类日本产品。倒入热水几个小时后喝温度刚好,不会烫嘴。 我一般用它泡花茶、红枣枸杞或者红糖水,用了一段时间内壁也没有茶渍什么的。冬天有了它,随时喝点热水暖暖的很舒服。