# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # The pickled chicken feet powder with pickled peppers, which I love recently, is really a big pot of pickled chicken feet and can be eaten quickly. Recently, I found that it is also delicious to put boneless duck feet in it. Faster, this time I made chicken feet and duck feet, which are delicious and delicious, nibbling one by one, the more I nibble, the more addicting it becomes😋! The powder of this pickled chicken feet can be directly boiled with water and soaked in chicken feet, or like me, it will taste better if you add other ingredients yourself (this is what my girlfriend taught me)! Ingredients: 4 garlic heads, 2 green onions, half an onion, 1 lemon, 3 slices of ginger, and a handful of peppercorns! This time, because there is no garlic at home, I will use garlic powder instead! Cut the onion into sections, shred the onion, slice the lemon, and take a photo of the garlic! Boil a pot of hot water, then turn to medium heat, add peppercorns, half a lemon, half an onion, and 2 garlic, and cook for about 5-7 minutes. After cooking, pour in half a packet of pickled peppers and pickled pepper powder, and stir well After cooking for 5 minutes, add a small spoon of sugar and vinegar. The amount of vinegar and sugar can be added or reduced as you like. The cooked juice is filtered out of these side dishes and cooled. At this time, I will cook chicken feet and Duck feet, cut off the nails of chicken feet, and cut them in half, so that it tastes better. Add ginger and cooking wine to the pot and cook them in cold water. The duck feet are also cooked in the same way. After cooking, soak them in cold water. The pepper juice is warm, pour in the remaining half lemon, 2 garlic heads, the remaining onion, and then add the chopped green onion, this pickled pepper juice is more fragrant, pick up the chicken feet and duck feet and drain After the water is added to the cold pickled pepper juice, turn it into the refrigerator and refrigerate for one night. The duck feet are delicious in about 4 hours. It is better to soak the chicken feet overnight for better taste. It's also super delicious. My pickled chicken feet has been liquidated. Where are your pickled chicken feet?😋😋😋
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 最近好爱的民富齐食家的泡椒凤爪粉,真的是每次做一大锅的泡椒凤爪都可以很快吃完,最近发现把无骨鸭掌放进去也好吃入味更快,这次做了鸡爪和鸭掌,好吃好吃,一根接一个的啃着,越啃越上瘾😋! 这款泡椒凤爪的粉可以直接加水煮好放鸡爪泡下去,或者像我这样,自己在加点其他配料味道会更好(这是闺蜜教我的)! 材料:蒜头4颗,葱2颗,洋葱大半颗,柠檬一颗,姜3片,花椒一小把! 这次因为家里没有蒜头了我就用蒜头粉代替!葱切段备用,洋葱切丝,柠檬切片,蒜头拍下就好啦! 烧一锅的热水,然后转中火加入花椒,柠檬半颗,洋葱半颗,蒜头2颗,煮5-7分钟左右,煮好之后倒入半包的泡椒和泡椒粉,搅拌均匀在煮5分钟之后加入一小勺得糖和醋,这里醋和糖得量可以按照你喜欢加或者减,煮好的汁过滤掉这些配菜放凉,在这个时候我就去煮鸡爪和鸭掌了,鸡爪剪掉指甲,对半切开,这样更好入味,入锅加姜和料酒煮熟捞起泡冷水里面,鸭掌也是同样煮法,煮好泡冷水,这时候的泡椒汁是温热了,倒入剩下的柠檬半颗,蒜头2颗,剩下的洋葱,然后加入切段的葱,这样的泡椒汁更香了,鸡爪和鸭掌捞起沥干水份之后加入到晒凉的泡椒汁里面翻入冰箱冷藏一晚,鸭掌4个小时左右就入味了,鸡爪最好泡一夜味道会更好,家里如果有黄瓜也可以切块放进去也是超好吃,我的泡椒凤爪已经清盘了,你的泡椒凤爪在哪呢😋😋😋