# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Nishui is a classic instant noodle manufacturer. Everywhere in the world eat instant noodles, you can basically see his products of various flavors. Personally, Hewei is a kind of cup noodles that the lazy among the lazy people find convenient. All the ingredients in it are put away, just soak it in boiling water and it's done. I don't like instant noodles, it's all my classmates who eat it. Flavor: seafood flavor Review: 4.5 stars I especially like the picture on the lid of the cup, how real. I'm used to drawing a large piece of braised beef on it, but when I opened it, it felt like a few rice-sized dehydrated beef granules, so it felt amazing. Open the lid and find that it is exactly the same, with crab sticks, vegetables, eggs, octopus and noodles. Soak it in boiling water for 3 minutes, and it's ready to eat. First of all, I feel that the soup is very delicious, and the taste of seafood is rich in fried chicken. The noodle firmness is also just right, firm and smooth. If you really want to eat it, it tempts you to make another cup.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 日清算是泡面经典厂家了,全球各地凡是吃方便面的地方基本都能看到他家的各种口味的产品。 对个人来说,合味道算是懒人中的懒人都觉得方便的一种杯面,里面的料全部都放好了,只要开水一泡就完事儿了。我不爱吃泡面,都是金猪子同学在吃。 口味:海鲜风味 评测:4.5星 特别喜欢它杯盖上的图片,多么的真实。已经习惯了上面画一大块红烧牛肉,结果打开来就几个米粒大小的脱水牛颗粒的感觉,所以它家给人的感觉格外惊喜。 打开盖子,发现真的一模一样,有蟹柳,蔬菜,鸡蛋,八爪鱼和面饼。用开水泡3分钟,直接就可以开吃了。 首先就是感觉汤头非常的鲜美,海鲜的味道炒鸡浓郁。面条硬度也是恰到好处,有劲道且顺滑。真的吃了还想吃,诱惑你再去泡一杯。