# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Guangao plum Haoweijia is also an old brand. When you eat so many plums, you will always miss Guangao plums. The sweetness and sourness is medium. You can knock off a whole bag at a time. This stuff can be appetizing and help digestion. No food accumulation. Eat while watching TV, eat at work, eat while playing games~~I really eat all the time, I can eat wherever I want when I go out at home~~The happiest time on weekends is to eat my favorite snacks While basking in the sun and watching the children play next to them, this is happiness.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 广澳梅 好味佳也算是老牌子,那么多话梅吃来吃去总会怀念起广澳梅,酸甜度中等,一次能磕掉一整包,这玩意能开胃还能帮助消化,偶尔饭后来几颗免积食.看电视时吃,上班时吃,打游戏时吃~~真的无时无刻都在吃,在家出门哪哪哪哪想吃就吃~~周末最幸福的时光就是一边吃着喜欢的零食一边晒着太阳,看着孩子们在旁边玩耍,这就是幸福吧.