The sun is shining brightly in California today! It's a sunny weekend 🌞 When standing in the yard and basking in the sun, the warm feeling is really suitable for a cup of "Shenghetang Milk Tea Controlling Guling Shuang" to relax~ Just put the big bag of tortoise paste + coconut milk + passion fruit sauce + red bean into the cup and you can drink it ~ no need to brew it, it is convenient to kill me, a slacker! In the dry season of winter, I drink Guiling ointment and feel that my lungs become cool and comfortable~ I stayed up late last night and watched dramas and felt that I was a little angry again today. It can taste the slight bitterness of natural herbs, and it tastes just right with fragrant coconut milk, sweet red beans and large coconut nuts! I often drink milk tea and get tired of drinking this, I feel so comfortable~ The California sunshine and the aroma of passion fruit are also a good match. #开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #
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yami_featured_image 今天加州的阳光好好!是一个天气明朗的周末🌞 站在院子里晒太阳的时候,暖洋洋的感觉真的很适合来一杯「生和堂奶茶控龟苓爽」爽一哈~ 直接把大包的龟苓膏+椰奶+百香果酱汁+红豆放进杯子里就可以喝啦~无需冲泡简直方便死我这个懒鬼了! 冬天这种干燥的季节喝龟苓膏感觉肺部都变得清清凉凉的好舒服~昨天晚上熬夜追剧感觉自己今天又有点上火了,喝这个可以降火去燥~开心~龟苓膏滑溜溜的能品出天然草本的微苦,配上香香的椰奶、甜甜的红豆还有大颗的椰果味道刚刚好!经常喝奶茶喝腻了喝这个觉得好舒服哦~ 加州的阳光和百香果的香气也是很般配呐# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #