# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Has anyone else tried the Unichi Collagen Rose Gummy Bears recommended by Zhao Lusi! Sweet and sour rose flavor, very low-calorie, no problem to lose weight! Each capsule contains 500mg of deep-sea low-molecular-weight collagen + rosehip VC essence + cherry supplement anthocyanin vitamins, the content of 2 collagen capsules per day is enough! Is it not a dream to eat for a long time to have firm and delicate skin? I secretly said that I think this one has the miraculous effect of fresh breath. After eating it, I feel like I spit roses in the mouth, hahahaha, it is very suitable for eating before a date.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 赵露思推荐的Unichi胶原蛋白玫瑰小熊软糖还有人没吃过吗!酸酸甜甜的玫瑰味,非常低卡,减肥吃也没问题!每颗里面含有500mg深海低分子胶原蛋白+玫瑰果VC精华+樱桃补充花青素维生素,每天2颗胶原蛋白的含量就足足够了!长期吃皮肤紧致细腻不是梦好吗!偷偷说我觉得这款还有清新口气的奇效,吃了以后感觉自己口吐玫瑰好吗哈哈哈哈哈,非常适合约会前吃嘻嘻嘻。