# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Japan UYEKI InfClin influenza virus prevention spray Effective against any type of flu, the protective film formed lasts for more than 1 month! The main component of UYEKI anti-influenza spray is infe-buster anion sodium salt; it can be directly sprayed on clothing coats, masks, door handles, handrails, toilets, and other surfaces that are in direct contact. It can be effective immediately after spraying, and there is no need to wipe it again, and it will not cause damage to the item. A small bottle, you can put it in your pocket when you go out, you can take it out quickly when you need it, it's really convenient!
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 日本UYEKI InfClin流感病毒防治喷雾 对任何类型的流感都有效,形成的保护膜可持续1个月以上!UYEKI防流感喷雾的主要成分infe-buster阴离子钠盐;可直接喷洒在衣物外套,口罩,门把手,扶手,坐便,等直接接触的物品表面。喷完可以立刻有效,也不用再擦拭,不会对物品造成损害。 小小的一瓶,出门可以随手放口袋,有需要可以快速的拿出来用,真的好方便!