# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Five-star praised Ganyuan shrimp sticks and peas, must try! This shrimp sticks and peas are highly recommended. They are delicious and filling. They are really great as a craving snack. YAMI has more than a hundred five-star reviews, which shows how good it is. This is a bit like a Japanese-style classic mixed fruit snack, but it is made in China and it is more suitable for taste. There are twenty small bags in one big bag. Specifically, there are shrimp sticks, green beans, peanuts, etc. It is said to be shrimp sticks, but it is actually a small shrimp-flavored biscuit stick, which is particularly fragrant and crunchy. The peanuts inside are also very delicious, so fresh. Such a big bag is only 4 yuan, and each small bag is not high in calories, only 70, which is very suitable for eating when watching a drama.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 五星好评的甘源虾条豆果,不得不尝哟! 这款虾条豆果真是强烈推荐啊,美味又饱腹,作为解馋小食真的太棒了。 YAMI 亚米有超过一百个五星评价,可见它有多好。 这款有点像日式的经典杂果小食,但是是国产的,做的更合口味。一大包里面有二十小袋。 具体有虾条,青豆,花生等。说是虾条,其实是虾味的小饼干棒,特别香特别脆。里面的花生也无比好吃,好鲜呀。 这么一大包,居然只要4块,每一小包卡路里也不高,只有70,很适合看剧时候吃。