# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I finally ate Xiaobai's soft-hearted internet celebrity bread. I don't know why, but just hearing the name makes it delicious. Bought the sea salt cheese sandwich. The fragrant cheese is sandwiched in the soft bread, what does it feel like to pinch? The packaging alone is very popular on the Internet, white and tender, and cute. After tearing it open, I found, um. . . It's not as big as I imagined, and I feel like I can't eat enough. It is said that the dough is made of Japanese baking process, so it will be more tough. The cheese filling is still quite full, very smooth and fragrant. A bag of YAMI is 1.99, which is a little expensive. In addition to cheese, there are also shredded pork salad and purple rice flavor.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 我终于也吃到小白心里软这款网红面包了。不知道为啥,光听这名字就觉得会好吃。 买的是海盐芝士夹心的。香喷喷的芝士夹在软软的面包里,会是什么感觉捏? 光是包装就很网红,白白嫩嫩,可可爱爱。 撕开之后发现,嗯。。。没我想象的大呀,感觉一块要吃不饱。 据说面皮用的是日本的烘烤工艺,所以会比较有韧劲。芝士夹心还是挺足的,很润滑很香。 YAMI 亚米 一袋是1.99,有点小贵呀。除了芝士还有肉丝沙拉和紫米味。