# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # A pack of human taste, A bowl of earthly fireworks 😄😄😄😄😄 Such a beautiful and artistic copy actually appeared on a small bag of seasonings. The beauty in life is like this inadvertently appearing and losing inadvertently. You need a pair of eyes to discover beauty and a heart to feel it with your heart😄😄😄 to capture the beautiful bits and pieces. I don't need to recommend it, just based on this package of human taste, don't you want to taste what kind of earthly fireworks this is? 😄😄😄 This Wugu Dojo’s sour bamboo shoots and fat beef noodles have many advantages. The sour bamboo shoots inside are very delicious, no less than the sour bamboo shoots in snail noodles. The soup is a little spicy. Before I cook instant noodles, I soak the fungus and tofu skin. Add some of your favorite dishes, I added white radish, first cooked the tofu skin and fungus, and then directly added vegetables, noodles, seasoning packets, and it was cooked in 3 minutes, and a bowl of earthly fireworks was placed in your place. In front of it! 😄😄😄
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 一包人间滋味, 一碗尘世烟火 😄😄😄😄😄 这么美好又有意境的文案,居然出现在一袋小小的调料包上。生活中的美好就是这样在不经意间出现,又在不经意间流失,你需要一双发现美好的眼睛,和一颗用心感受的心😄😄😄去扑捉美好的点点滴滴。 不用我推荐,就凭这一包人间滋味,大家难道不想尝一尝这倒底是怎样的一碗尘世烟火吗?😄😄😄 这款五谷道场的酸笋肥牛面,优点很多,里边的酸笋特好吃,不亚于螺蛳粉里的酸笋,汤鲜有点微辣,我煮方便面之前先泡好木耳和豆腐皮,再加一些自己喜欢的菜,我加了白萝卜,先把豆皮和木耳煮熟然后直接加蔬菜,面饼,调料包,3分钟快熟,一碗尘世烟火就这样美美地摆在你的面前啦!😄😄😄