# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Master Kong blueberry flavor, full of memories! The blueberry flavor of this crispy biscuit is very strong. You can smell the blueberry fragrance as soon as you open the package. It tastes crispy. There is also a 3 plus 2 that also has a blueberry flavor. The biscuit tastes different. , as long as it is Master Kong blueberry flavor, it is full of flavors in my memory😊
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 康师傅蓝莓味,满满的回忆! 这款香酥饼干的蓝莓味很浓,刚打开包装就能闻到蓝莓香,吃起来口感酥松,,还有一款3加2也有蓝莓味,饼干口感不一样,3加2的口感硬脆一些,只要是康师傅蓝莓味,都是满满记忆中的味道😊