# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Apple and millet porridge, it is said that a bowl of apple and millet porridge every day will make you blush and look good every day! Full marks for practicality ➕ The aroma health pot with high value is not enough to praise hundreds of times, and the price is good! I really like to drink millet porridge, as long as it is not thin, I like it, but it is troublesome to boil, either it overflows or sticks to the bottom. With the health pot, you can free your hands, and the method is simple and beautiful! Grab a handful of millet and clean it, peel the apple and cut it into small pieces, put it in the health pot, I like thick, the water level is below 3, use the 13th gear for about an hour, add the red dates in the last 20 minutes, and throw it away after cooking After a few roses and brown sugar, the health pot enters the automatic heat preservation state, great! When you eat it, you can smell the fragrance of roses as soon as you open it. Stir the brown sugar and this color will make you appetite! Apple produces body fluid and quenches thirst, strengthens the spleen and stomach. Needless to say, the nutritional value of millet is rich in vitamins B1 and B12, which can enhance gastric motility and nourish yin and blood. Millet porridge is the best choice for bad stomach. With this health pot, I hope In the future, you can cook it three times a week, and set a flag for yourself! I read a lot of comments that the aroma health pot is easy to stain after using it once. I have used it to cook millet porridge, fruit tea, and three-jujube tea several times. Picture 7 is that after I boiled millet porridge today, it is easy to clean without sticking to the bottom. No staining, great value for money!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 苹果小米粥,据说每天一碗苹果小米粥,每天小脸红扑扑,吃出好气色! 实用度满分➕高颜值的aroma养生壶,夸几百遍都不够,价格又好!我是挺喜欢喝小米粥的,只要它不稀我都喜欢,就是熬起来麻烦,不是溢出来就是粘底,有了养生壶可以解放双手了,做法简单养颜美容! 抓一把小米清洗干净,苹果去皮切小块,放入养生壶,我喜欢稠的,水位在3之下,用13档大概熬一个小时,在最后20分钟放入红枣,煮好后丢了几朵玫瑰花和红糖,养生壶进入自动保温状态,棒!吃的时候一打开可以闻到玫瑰花的清香,红糖搅一搅这色泽令人食欲大开! 苹果生津解渴,健脾胃,小米的营养价值不用说了,富含维生素B1,B12,增强胃动力,还能滋阴养血.小米粥是肠胃不好的最佳选择.有了这养生壶希望以后一个星期可以煮三次,给自己立个flag! 看很多评论说aroma养生壶用过一次后很容易沾色,我用它煮了好几次小米粥,水果茶,三枣茶,图7是我今天熬小米粥后,没有粘底很容易清洗,也不见沾色,物超所值!