# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I have never bought another brand of egg yolk cake since I tried Lao Yang, it is really delicious, I have repurchased it several times! Each piece is individually packaged for easy portability. There is a thin piece in each packet, one piece is definitely not enough, and then you can't help but have another piece after eating it 😂 Have you eaten four or five yuan without realizing it? How to do? Scared of heat? Scared of cholesterol? It's okay, comfort yourself and say that drinking a cup of hot tea 🍵 will help you get rid of your tiredness and not be so fat. This salted egg yolk cake has a multi-layered taste. The first bite in the mouth is crispy, and the next bite is crispy. If you chew it carefully, it will taste sweet, salty, and salty, but the egg yolk taste is not very heavy, and it is also It's not fishy, which is my favorite taste.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 自从吃过老杨之后再也没买过其他牌子的蛋黄酥了,真的很好吃呀,已经回购好几次了! 每块都是独立包装,方便携带。每包里面有薄薄的一块,吃一块肯定不够,然后吃完你会一直忍不住再来一块😂 吃着吃着不知不觉已经吃掉四五块了?怎么办?怕热量?怕胆固醇?没事,安慰自己说喝杯热茶🍵就消腻不会那么胖了 这款咸蛋黄饼多层次口感,放到到嘴里咬第一口是脆的,再咬一口是酥的,认真的咀嚼是香香甜甜咸咸的蛋黄味道,但蛋黄味没有很重,也不会腥,是我喜爱的味道。