# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Sometimes eating instant noodles is the easiest thing to do when you don’t want to cook, but ordinary instant noodles are high-calorie and fried. adverse effects. The non-fried noodles with seaweed ribs that I bought at Yami’s Wugu Dojo don’t have this problem. I see that it is also non-fried, so of course I have to buy it~ The packaging of this bowl of instant noodles is also mind-blowing. The instant noodles are individually packaged. The kelp brewed in hot water is boiled into large pieces. It tastes real kelp taste, and you can fully feel the freshness of the soup base. The aroma is mellow. In addition to kelp, there are green beans and carrots, and the soup is very rich. Because the noodles are not fried, the texture is different from fried. Not much energy, but eating healthier, at least less guilt hehe!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 有时候不想做饭吃个方便面是最省事的事情了,但是一般的方便面都是高热量和属于油炸,油炸方便面的热量是非油炸的2倍,多吃总会对人体有不良影响。 之前在亚米买的这款五谷道场 的海带排骨非油炸面就没存在这个问题了,看到也是非油炸,当然要买啦~ 这款碗装方便面包装也是走心了,泡面是独立包装的,在热水的冲泡下的海带煮得超级大片,吃起来还带有真实的海带味,可以完全感受到汤底的鲜香醇厚。除了海带,还有青豆粒和胡萝卜粒,汤汁很浓郁。 因为面是非油炸的,所以口感上跟油炸也有一定区别。没什么劲道,但是吃的健康多了,起码罪恶感没那么大嘿嘿!