#亚米秀丹# This noodle, please allow me not to call it instant noodles, because it really doesn’t look like instant noodles! This taste is really delicious, I bought a bag before and bought a bag after eating. . . It is said that people who like it love it very much, and people who hate it hate it very much. When will the Youth League be released? @American Yami Net ​​​​
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#亚米晒单# 这个面,请允许我不叫它泡面,因为真的不像泡面啊!这个口味真的好好吃,之前买了一袋,吃完以后买了一包。。。据说喜欢的人非常喜欢,讨厌的人非常讨厌。另外啥时候青团上架呀?@美国亚米网 ​​​​