My snack library has started to stock again [heart] @美米网 It's really fast, I just placed my order on Monday and it was delivered on Thursday. I bought the net red lactic acid bacteria gummy, Lonely God, AD calcium milk, Mimi shrimp sticks, shredded crab sticks, and two packs of my favorite hot and sour powder. It's all delicious and I like it [doge] The road to losing weight is getting farther and farther [Tan Shou] ​​​​
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yami_featured_image 我的零食库又开始存货了[心] @美国亚米网 简直神速,周一刚下单周四就寄到了。 买了网红乳酸菌软糖,Lonely God,AD钙奶,咪咪虾条,手撕蟹柳,还有两大包最爱的酸辣粉。 都好吃我都喜欢[doge] 减肥之路就这样渐行渐远了[摊手] ​​​​