# 发现宝藏好店 # Fish is not only delicious. It is nutritious. It has a good meaning. So there must be all kinds of fish on the dinner table...more than every year! So. to make a delicious fish. Is it difficult? The answer is that it is not difficult at all. Because I have it. My secret weapon. Lee Kum Kee's [Steamed Fish and Soy Sauce] No technology required. Just clean the fish. Cut it. Pour in 【Steamed Fish Soy Sauce】 Add some ginger to remove the fishy smell. Put it directly into the pot and steam for 15 minutes. Sprinkle some chopped green onion out of the pot. Done ✅ That's right. It's that simple. Stupid operation. Become a chef in minutes! So it's a must-have sauce in my kitchen. The taste is really delicious. Moderate saltiness. Not only adults like it. Children also like it. Really strongly recommend.
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# 发现宝藏好店 # 鱼不仅好吃.有营养.寓意还好. 所以平常饭桌上一定少不了各种鱼.....年年有余嘛! 那么.做一道美味的鱼.很难吗? 答案是一点也不难. 因为我有它.我的秘密武器. 李锦记家的【蒸鱼豉油】 无需任何技术. 只要把鱼清理好.切好. 倒入【蒸鱼豉油】 放点姜去腥. 直接放入锅里蒸15分钟. 出锅洒点葱花.搞定✅ 没错.就是这么简单. 傻瓜式操作. 秒变大厨分分钟! 所以它是我厨房的必备酱料. 味道真的非常美味. 咸味适中. 不仅大人喜欢.孩子们也是各种爱. 真的强烈推荐哦.