# 发现宝藏好店 # After thinking about it, I have eaten Calbee shrimp strips a lot this year~ I tried the mildly spicy garlic shrimp, then the grapefruit black pepper, and now the mustard, which proves that I really love this brand haha. They are all p0 snacks. I feel that I have a soft spot for Calbee shrimp chips, perhaps because I have childhood memories of it. After all, I grew up eating Calbee prawn strips~ The commissary that was open to the outside world sells all kinds of snacks 😄 Calbee Shrimp Strips are cooked with whole fresh prawns instead of farmed prawns or prawns. It preserves the natural flavor of fresh prawns and is full of calcium. A pack is generous and reasonably priced. The shrimp sticks still taste the same, melt in the mouth, and the crunchy chewing is very satisfying in the mouth. Anyway, I can’t watch TV without eating snacks. The shrimp sticks are satisfying one by one, so satisfying! The overall taste is ok, the mustard taste is not very strong, it will not choke the nose, and it will not irritate the tongue. Maybe I am not used to mustard. Compared with the taste I bought before, I prefer lighter ones.
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# 发现宝藏好店 # 认真想了一下,今年吃 Calbee 卡乐比 虾条还真多~年头尝试了微辣蒜虾,然后到柚子黑胡椒,再到现在的芥末,证明我对这个牌子是真爱哈哈。 都是膨化类零食,我感觉对卡乐比虾条比较情有独钟,也许是对它有着童年回忆吧。毕竟我从小是吃卡乐比虾条长大的~以前外公开的小卖部,什么零食都有卖😄 卡乐比虾条不用养殖虾或虾粉,而是用整只新鲜海虾烹饪的,真材实料,保存了天然的原味鲜虾美味之余,还有满满的钙质。 一包份量很足,价格合理。虾条口感依旧,入口即化,嘎嘣脆的嚼在嘴里很带感,反正我看电视是离不开吃零食的,虾条一口一条满足,太满足了! 总体口感还行,芥末味不会非常浓,不会呛鼻子,也不会辣舌头,可能我吃不惯芥末吧,跟以往买的口味比,我更喜欢清淡点的。