I don't need to say more about this! This is the star's most popular! Many people think gold is good. But because I have dry skin, I bought silver! White is also very good for sensitive and dry skin too! If you don't wear sunscreen in summer, let's not talk about whether you can get a tan... You will be uncomfortable for a long time if you get sunburned~ [It is said that there is also a whitening version of the same version! buy next time! A brand that will definitely be repurchased!
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这个不用我多说了吧!这是明星最推的! 很多人都觉得金色好. 但因为我是干皮所以买了银色的! 白色的也很不错也适合敏感和干皮! 夏天不擦防晒先不说能不能晒黑… 被晒伤你也是会难受好久~ 【据说还有同版美白的!下次买! 一定会回购的牌子!